IVA preferable to Bankruptcy in certain careers
Some employers may frown upon the bankruptcy process whereas an IVA may be considered acceptable.
In the Police Force for example, staff entering bankruptcy may face sanctions from their employer, as this is deemed to reflect poorly on the Constabulary and could also place the individual in situations where their integrity is compromised. As a consequence bankruptcy is often avoided.
However, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement, which is a offer of settlement made by the debtor (with the assistance of a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner) and enables to debtor to “pay what they can afford” over a per agreed period, is usually a more favourable resolution to debt problems.
Business Recovery Limited works with both individuals and businesses in financial difficulty. If you need advice on the options available, give us a call to arrange a FREE, no obligation consultation. We handle both informal and formal insolvency work, including:
Business Assessment and Restructuring, New Funding Options, Creditor negotiation and time to pay arrangements, Company and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs & IVAs), Administration, Liquidation, Bankruptcy.
Give us a call to arrange a FREE, no obligation consultation. Tel: 01772 641146